AT-502 BRAIN – Boosting Relationships between Academia and Industry

Innovation skills for undergraduate students in Engineering fields

The project is committed to the development of the innovation skills for undergraduate students in Engineering fields.

Training on design thinking methodology

The design thinking methodology will be explained in a 2-day training. Innovation teams will work on projects based on the industry parteners’ input, having the couches by their side.

Work in innovation teams

Having coaches to deliver value and practical information is what makes the project complete, covering both personal and business objectives.

Online synchronous and asynchronous learning

To facilitate the project management principles we have online training sessions, with synchronous and asynchronous learning, where the students are introduced to PBL.


Coaching focuses on grooming for optimum performance and value delivery with clearly defined development objectives which will require another round around the loop. The coaching program covers personal and business coaching and it is designed to address specific levels of work understanding and delivery.

Industry partners

Industry coaches succeed in offering technical support and insight on the projects the students will embark on.

Brainners platform

To boost innovation, the project-based learning will also take place on Brainners’ Space, a platform developed to maintain permanent communication between team members and trainers.

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About the project

Societal and economic development depends on educational institutions to play a pivotal role in preparing the future workforce for promoting and fostering innovation at the workplace. Our main goal is to promote business principles and the value of innovative thinking and self-efficiency among the participating students through coaching by industry partners. The BRAIn project focuses on bridging the competencies gap between university education outcomes and the demands of industry.
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest

University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest

Instituto Superior Técnico

Instituto Superior Técnico

KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm

KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm

T.I.M.E. Association

T.I.M.E. Association

Boosting Relationships between Academia and Industry

Boosting Relationships between Academia and Industry


University Politehnica of Bucharest

Find us at the office

Splaiul Independenței 313, University Politehnica of Bucharest, the Rectorate building, Room 310.

Call us or send an email

+4 021 402 9872

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